It Happened One Weekend, Life Outside The Bubble, Lives In Chaos

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I am a die hard Twilight Fan Fiction reader and writer. So far I have written a trilogoy of Fan Fiction stories staring Edward and Bella. The three stories follow my version of our favorite Twilight characters on the bumpy road to happily ever after. I am currently hard at work on a fourth new story featuring Edward and Bella called "With or Without You", based on the song of the same title by U2.


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What can I say? You owe your love for my stories to this woman right here, Miss Kimberley Mayfield. The girl is a blessing! Without her, you all would end up with chapter, after chapter of filler and fluff. Kimberley is not afraid to call me out! She'll tell me "too much filler", "I want more", "That's just ridiculous" and "How about if Carlisle does this..". She makes me think about it and keeps the plot line moving...and that's what I love about her! She organizes my craziness and reels me in when she has too. Especially with the slap stick comedy!

Also thanks to Kimberley, you all have this blog to look at! I was really down about poor readership and reviews...just feeling like nobody was appreciating all the hard work. That's when Kimberley stepped up and said, "You've got to advertize and get it out there.". Well, here I am and my story/author alerts are through the roof. Just goes to show, the girl is GENIUS! I definitely couldn't do any of this without her!

Thank you, Kimberley. I love ya, girl! :)